Clothes-Line Prop In Differents Colour - London - Home, garden, London - 1163325


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Clothes-Line Prop In Differents Colour - Home, garden

Ref. number: 1163325 Updated: 23-07-2012 12:13

Price: 6.99 GBP £

Offering: Home, garden in United Kingdom, London

Caraselle Telescopic Clothes Line Prop is one of the best clothes line poles. The clothesline prop or washing line prop is extendable clothes prop to dry clothes at home. A washing line pole or clothesline pole is capable of hanging clothes. Buy Caraselle Telescopic Clothes-Line Prop. Extends from 140.5cm to 250cm. Assorted Colours. Caraselle Direct offers great washing line poles in UK.

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First name: Joy
Last name: Frnacis
Mobile number: 7961810430
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