COMMERCIAL OFFER FROM SPAIN SHOES FACTORY - London - Clothing for sale, accessories, London - 1702109


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COMMERCIAL OFFER FROM SPAIN SHOES FACTORY - Clothing for sale, accessories

Ref. number: 1702109 Updated: 04-03-2025 13:02

Price: 20 EUR €

Offering: Clothing for sale, accessories in United Kingdom, London

We are Spanish manufacturers .Seva Calzados Elche (Alicante) Spain. We offer 100 % leather shoe spanish economic. We are going to detail our main characteristics: - Wide range of women's and men's products. With solutions for any kind of shop. - Our shoes are made in Spain. - Online shop: Only for footwear professionals (strictly excluding retail sales, end customer). You can place your orders comfortably, from your work, home, ... and at the time that suits you best (open 24 hours). - Free assortment: You can order the numbers you need, it is not necessary to buy complete boxes. Offer the best quality and price. Our company enjoy a wide experience in the sector . We offer a perfectly balanced combination of modern design and high quality , coupled with the demands of comfort.These qualities can only be obtained with a handcrafted , highly qualified staff and the best materials.Note that in all of the national skin products used .Our range of products is aimed at demanding innovation and fashion public of all ages .

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Phone number: +34617250709
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