Fencing Manufacturers - London - Home, garden, London - 1982143


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Fencing Manufacturers - Home, garden

Ref. number: 1982143 Updated: 14-05-2015 08:32

Offering: Home, garden in United Kingdom, London

The Lochrin® Bain Classic is a rivetless palisade fence where the vertical pales pass through V shaped slots in the horizontal rails to offer greater protection than a standard front fixed palisade fence. Due to the pales being rivetless the Classic offers a quick and simple installation solution compared with similar fence types. Available in heights from 0.9m to 4m High the Lochrin® Classic can be fully tailored to your requirements with additional horizontal rails (2, 3 or 4 per panel) or additional pales (Between 17 and 28 per panel). Best value with lifetime cost! A ‘true’ palisade that conforms to BS1722 part 12 – 2006. Lochrin® Bain rivetless fixing system offers a security palisade fence with tamper free fixings, and pales that pass through the rails with no fixings required.ntpl0040

Contact information
First name: Gary
Last name: MacGregor
Phone number: 01236 457333
Mobile number: 07900 262 398
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