Yellow Velvet Upholstery Fabric at low cost - London - Clothing for sale, accessories, London - 2274753


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Yellow Velvet Upholstery Fabric at low cost - Clothing for sale, accessories

Ref. number: 2274753 Updated: 12-07-2016 10:29

Offering: Clothing for sale, accessories in United Kingdom, London

Depending on the direction that you look at yellow velvet upholstery fabric, it can look a different shade due to the reflection of light. Upholstery velvet has excellent durability. Even so, to keep it looking good it is helpful to vacuum it occasionally using a brush attachment.We always recommend that you dry clean our velvet upholstery fabrics at a specialist velvet dry cleaners. For more info visit us at-

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First name: Merry
Last name: Dsuza
Phone number: 0121 733 3555
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