Wholesale Baby Clothes | Manufacturers | Fabric Suppliers - London - Clothing for sale, accessories, London - 2564157


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Wholesale Baby Clothes | Manufacturers | Fabric Suppliers - Clothing for sale, accessories

Ref. number: 2564157 Updated: 16-10-2017 13:38

Offering: Clothing for sale, accessories in United Kingdom, London

The sensitive skin and developing immune system of an infant make it vulnerable to a number of bacteria and at such a tender age, even the tiniest of exposure can turn out to be a horrendous experience. Since organic cotton baby clothes is manufactured with naturally grown cotton with no use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, an extra layer of protection is added to a baby. Organic and More, for instance, is an India-based organic cotton fabric supplier with years of experience and a bankable reputation. The company is GOTS certified and operates on high ethical and moral standards to ensure both its products and partnerships are high-quality. So invest in organic cotton baby clothes today only with Organic and More. You may reach us : http://www.organicandmore.com/baby-clothes-manufacturer Email: enquiry@organicandmore.com

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