Hire Domestic Electricians in Seaford, Call Today! 07775 792944 - London - Home, garden, London - 2595962


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Hire Domestic Electricians in Seaford, Call Today! 07775 792944 - Home, garden

Ref. number: 2595962 Updated: 19-12-2017 07:44

Offering: Home, garden in United Kingdom, London

CA Electrical, best-known in the electrical industry for providing highly trained, certified & helpful Domestic Electricians in Seaford. For the last 25 years, we’ve been rendering quality electrical services at best prices. All our electricians are trustworthy, dependable and knowledgeable, they can install a new plug socket, house rewires through to garden and security lightening & can perform various other services. To hire our team of experts, click here www.caelec.co.uk/domestic_services.html or call us now! 01323 743982

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First name: caelectrica
Last name: services
Phone number: 07775792944
Mobile number: 07775792944
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