Practical medicine book for every household - London - Health services, beauty services, London - 3070214


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Practical medicine book for every household - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3070214 Updated: 25-01-2023 10:56

Price: 39 GBP £

Offering: Health services, beauty services in United Kingdom, London

If you are suffering with desease and what to do for that? You need to call your family doctor or admit the hospital immediately. but may be some deseases are not much serious cases. so if you can recover those thing at home simply by following tips, then how about that? you can save money & time. This book is a unique guide for the layman that you can use when help is not on the way or to manage common ailments that don't require seeing a doctor. Let me show you just some of the things you’ll find inside the book 1.How to Recognize a Heart Attack and What to Do Next. 2.What Happens When You Take Expired Medications 3.The Best Natural Painkiller That Grows in Your Own Backyard 4.How to Quickly Recognize a Stroke 5.A Simple “At-Home” Method for the Flu. and so. If you are interest for this practical medicine book i recommended you need to learn more by visit the website Read more :

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