The micro:bit is a tiny, low-cost, programmable computer board that can be used to create a wide range of DIY projects, from simple LED displays to complex robots. It's perfect for beginners and experienced makers alike.
If you're looking for premium micro:bit components at the best prices, SB Components is the place to shop. We offer a wide range of components, including:
Micro:bit boards
Power supplies
Micro SD cards
Expansion boards
And more!
We also offer a variety of resources to help you get started with your micro:bit projects, including tutorials, datasheets, and project ideas.
Here are just a few of the premium micro:bit components that you can find at SB Components:
Micro:Bit Breadboard Kit: This kit includes everything you need to get started with micro:bit prototyping, including a micro:bit board, a breadboard, jumper wires, and LEDs.
Micro:Bit LoRa Expansion: This expansion board adds LoRaWAN connectivity to your micro:bit, allowing you to create long-range IoT devices.
Micro:Bit Audio Codec HAT: This HAT board adds high-quality audio capabilities to your micro:bit, making it perfect for creating music players, voice assistants, and other audio-based projects.
No matter what kind of micro:bit project you're working on, SB Components has the components you need. Shop our selection of premium micro:bit components today and start building your next amazing project!