Website for businesses and Consumers - London - Home, garden, London - 445256


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Website for businesses and Consumers - Home, garden

Ref. number: 445256 Updated: 06-01-2011 16:02

Offering: Home, garden in United Kingdom, London

Hiya We want to introduce you to a brand new concept where businesses and home customers can use a website to interact with one another. For Businesses, you can use our expertise in Advertising, Recruitment and have contact from home customers who use our website to promote products which they want to sell. For home customers, they can contact businesses about any of the above which saves them time in looking at newspapers, going through the internet and wasting time. We think we have brought together companies and the general public as a 1. Please visit our website at you require any information then email us at or call 07758 620984 Thanks

Contact information
First name: Dean
Last name: Marriott
Phone number: 07969858792
Mobile number: 07969858792
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